I told my hubby last night "can you believe in one week from tomorrow we will be celebrating Thanksgiving?" It's hard to believe how fast the month of November went, let alone this year. By this time next week many of us with be stuffing our faces with turkey, mash potatoes and pies galore. To some, Thanksgiving is a day to be with family, to eat tons of food and to watch football. To some its the one day out of the year that they really think about what they are thankful for. For some it's just another day and to some it's a lonely day, not having any family and friends to be with. What does this day mean to you and how are you spending it? Instead of being thankful one day out of the year, try counting your blessings each and everyday!
Everyday I am grateful for my family, the family God blessed me with and the family I came from. So to me, Thanksgiving is everyday, minus the turkey, pumpkin pie and the unnecessary added calories. I was really hoping to go to Vegas to be with my parents but with all the weekly doctor visits, money and time has become an issue. But it's ok, I will stay here with the incredible family and friends God blessed me with and host.... Maybe next year!
And my tradition of getting up at 4 AM to hit Walmart, Kohl's, etc. with all the other die hard bargain shoppers won't be happening... sad face! If I really wanted to I could go rack up my credit cards and while my company would love me, my good friend "Sherry Debt Free" my ring my neck! So the day after Thanksgiving I will sleep off the turkey coma, lounge around in the jammies for awhile, eat left overs (which always tastes better the second time around) and put out the Christmas decor- yes I like to wait, it's tradish! Christmas has become too commercialized, loosing the real reason for the season. I want my kids to remember it's not about the gifts, it's about THE GIFT of a child who would someday give His life for you and I. What a priceless gift.
On to my rant!
So many of you know that I love, love, love scrapbooking and card making. On Christmas Eve two very good friends of mine will be getting married and I have had the privilege to be a part of their special evening in many ways but one way is that I hand made all 105 invitations for them. :) Last night I was down to the last 38 and I ran out of the silver ribbon that goes across the top!! Argh!!!! I just needed 4 more 4 inch strands! Now why on earth did I not measure out how many rolls I would need from the get-go? Don't ask. So off to my second home Hobby Lobby I go after work, where they know me by my first name. Oh and BTW, Operation Tri-Fold search- mission accomplished! Snagged the second to the last one at the Walmart in Wheeling, hallelujah! Oh the things we do for our kids. Dear daughter decided to change her Social Studies project to The Addams Family. And Dolly if you're reading this she plans on giving it to you as a Christmas gift lol! ;-)
Praise: I've been so encouraged by all of your sweet text messages, phone calls, facebook wall postings, messages and emails. One email I got yesterday brought tears to my eyes. It came from someone I've known for nearly 14 years but lost contact with and had heard from her sister about my diagnosis. Her family lost their young niece last year to A.L.L. and she had said that right after the funeral she saw a rainbow and that it was confirmation from her niece that she made it home to be with Jesus. She also seen a rainbow recently while thinking about her sister and everything she has gone through with the loss of a child and also from learning about my cancer. She was so moved by seeing this rainbow that she got out of her car and dropped to her knees on the side of the road and began to pray.
Someone else who is very near and dear to me has also seen rainbows recently. :) Sometimes it's ok to be angry with God and ask him why, he can handle it! She then saw a rainbow and immediately knew that was God's way of telling her that everything is going to be ok. I am a firm believer that this is not just some coincidence but a true sign that God is real and he will show himself to you in many ways and that He is in control of all things! Ezekiel 1:28- "Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord".
Have a great Thursday! Be blessed!
amen and amen! can't wait to see the book ;-) and the rainbow story gets me EVERY time. God does not leave us in the dark, He is right there listening... and in that case, He was right there painting a picture in the sky to get my attention. i love you meems!!!